

PUT method to update a contact. Contact can be assigned to a device by passing the device id.


Name Description
account_id required Your account unique identifier to access API.
contact_id required Id of the contact to be updated
device_id Contact associated device_id
name_first Name of the contact
name_last Last name of the contact
email Email fo the contact
phone_countrycode Country code of the contact phone
phone_number Phone number without country code of the contact
phone Full phone number with country code of the contact
city City of the contact
country Country of the contact
region Region of the contact
zip Zip code of the contact
full_address Address of the contact
born_date The date of the birthday in ISO_8601 format, Example: 1990-01-01T00:00:00Z
gender Gender of the contact (MALE or FEMALE)
language Language of the contact in ISO-2 format, Example: ES
user_id Unique identifier of contact in your backend
facebook_id Facebook id of the contact
facebook_friends Number of the friends in facebook of the contact
google_id Google+ id of the contact
twitter_id Twitter id of the contact
twitter_followers Number of the followers in twitter of the contact
tags Array containing tags for this contact
last_latitude Last GPS latitude, Number, example: 27.994401
last_longitude Last GPS longitude, Number, example: -81.726896
[custom field] You can create a custom field and use in every contact, only add parameter in the json with the name of custom ( no label)
list_subscriptions[list_id] Id of audience list
list_subscriptions[subscribed] If true, subscribe in this list
channel_subscriptions[channel] Name of channel. Options: [email, sms, push]
channel_subscriptions[blacklisted] If true, blacklist this channel
gdpr_marketing_consent Boolean type: If true, the contact accepted marketing consent
gdpr_accept_terms Boolean type: If true, the contact accepted your terms
gdpr_date Date for GDPR changes in ISO_8601 format, Example: 1990-01-01T00:00:00Z
gdpr_remote_ip String type: Contact IP when accepted GDPR


Accept: application/json 
Authorization: Token token={account.secret}
Content-Type: application/json
  "name_first": "John",
  "name_last": "Doe",
  "email": "",
  "phone_countrycode": "44",
  "phone_number": "7712345678",
  "tags": [


  "id": "550aac3da096734ce5000001",
  "name_first": "John",
  "name_last": "Doe",
  "phone_countrycode": "44",
  "phone_number": "7712345678",
  "email": "",
  "tags": [